You hear it’s the final hour. It’s late at night. Someone earlier in the day talked to you about the bus schedule. You believed in the bus company so you catch the last bus home.
Others were not successful in catching the bus and you are anxious for what will happen to them overnight.
Every soul that God has created is precious to Him. He has paid for the free bus ride home for all creation. That bus being Jesus. John 3:16.
Jesus is Our Savior… Once… and then should be our Lord daily.
Once in Heaven, we don’t know if we will be able to wonder about those who didn’t make the Last Bus. What if we are able to wonder if we could have done more and reached more souls but were afraid of rejection?
Of course the Bible says there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ and walk according to the Spirit. So is walking according to the Spirit of God walking AWAY from telling friends and strangers about Jesus? I don’t believe so. Walking according to the Spirit would be doing as God wants us to do. That includes the Great Commission. See Mark 16 and Matthew 28.
God has not given the angels charge to minister the Gospel of Jesus the Christ. He has given it to you and I. Let us be bold. May it never be that you be in fear of rejection! For it is not us who are alive anyway. Gal 2:20. It is Christ who lives through us….. Or perhaps better stated, He is able to live through us to the degree that we allow Him to which evidenced by the fruit of the average believer is sadly not much at all.
It is not going to be possible to save souls from Heaven. The only time is while here. And that time here is but a vapor. It’s very short! Let’s seize this opportunity. Lets not allow the devil to take one more soul! Get others to know about Jesus before it’s too late. The last bus is about to leave town. Let’s shout to all around us about the goodness and love of Jesus and his, payment for healing and all of their sins and allow others to experience His Kingdom. Demonstrate it with love but also with power. Be a fisher of men. Tell them about Jesus. He is the only bus, and therefore, The Last Bus Home.