Touch of God Broadcast – Mar 28 2020 – Your Identity In Christ (30) – Hearing from God in Challenging Times


During  these challenging times of sickness and disease in the world, or  whatever troubles you are facing, we need to make the decision to not  live in fear or worry, but to listen to God instead of moving away from  him for one more day. God is always speaking to us, but are we holding a  conversation with him? There is no relationship without communication.  God has paid an extremely high price to allow us to be reconciled back  to Him by believing in His Son Jesus and confessing him as Lord.

Jesus  wants us to cast our cares upon him, no matter what the cares are. In  this program we discuss the ways God speaks to us, through His Word,  through His Son, and in our daily circumstances. We have a free will to  decide if we will read the bible, the Truth of the Word of God. We get  to decide if we will spend time with Jesus, talking to him, but also  being still and knowing that He is God. The believer is supposed to live  free of anxiety (Matthew 6:25). We are to be the light in this world of  sickness and disease, command all forms of sickness and viruses to be  gone from people’s bodies. Laying hands on the sick so that they shall  recover (Mark 16:17-18). Viruses should be fleeing from us when we  submit to God! (James 4:7), since all forms of sickness and disease are  the oppression of the devil (Acts 10:38).

2  Cor 2:14 But thanks be to God, who always causes us to triumph in  Christ and reveals the fragrance of his knowledge through us in every  place.

Brothers and Sisters, Army of God… we can do ALL THINGS through Christ, who strengthens us! (Phil 4:13).