Touch of God Broadcast – Apr 4 2020 – Your Identity In Christ (31) – Be Strong and Courageous!


God  told Joshua three times in four verses in the same chapter to be strong  and courageous.  (Joshua 1:6,7,9). Exodus 15:3 says ‘The Lord is a man of war; the Lord is his name.’

At all times, great and and not so great, God is saying that we are to be strong and courageous! We  are to stand strong, and act who we already are as believers based on our identity in Christ.

To  which of us be in Christ, we are Sons! We are to subdue the earth (Col  2:6, Gen 1:26, Rom 8:14). We are to speak and declare the Word of God  over our homes, neighborhoods, towns, country and the world! (Gen 1:26,  Prov 18:21).

We  are not to bow to anxiety, worry or fear, no matter what the size of  the mountain is (Mark 11:23-24), however grave the situation is. (Matt  6:25-34).  2 Tim 1:7 – for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power  and love and self-control.

In this program we speak about this general topic. We pray and speak life over the people of the Mukuru Slum near Nairobi, Kenya, as well as all others listening. We return  briefly to Psalm 91, and show that, like many other scriptural verses,  verses 9 and 10 are conditional on the believer acting on the  instruction given by the verse, in order to benefit from the stated  outcome.

This  program covers the following scriptures: Joshua 1:1-9; Matthew  28:19-20; Daniel 3:16-28; Psalm 91:9-10; Matthew 10:7-8; Luke 10:19; 2  Corinthians 2:14;