Our Purpose

To pray for individuals, to help them where they are, to love on them with the love of Jesus. To teach and equip the saints (believers) to understand their new identity in Christ. Particular emphasis on encouraging the body of Christ to focus on a close, intimate relationship with the Lord, which everything then flows from Him in order for the believer to be able to spread the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Marc and Catrice are born-again Christian believers of Jesus Christ, with a passion to love and pray for others, one soul at a time. They are engaged in ministering and creating disciples in their local area as well as over long distances and overseas where they also perform mission work.

Catrice’s Story

Catrice grew up in a Christian home. She knew about God through a series of stories in the bible.  From a young age she seemed to be in the midst of trials more often than not. As life forced her to grow quickly and make choices, she had to begin to apply the bible to her life. She read about the bible, spoke about the bible but, her life, without application and biblical manifestation of God, was evidently lacking in many ways.

Catrice soon discovered that without acting on the words of the bible, faith without works was dead. She needed help walking through the valley of shadow and death.  Fearing no evil required standing on the word and speaking it to get through the valley. She saw God’s promises in the Word had a big “If” attached with them. For example: Speak to your mountain and it will move.  Apart from me (God)“YOU” can “DO” nothing. Prophesy to the dry bones.

We play a part in the application of the word. One of her favorite scriptures is Job 42:5, which says, “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You;” God was with her but required her to walk and believe by faith to get through what was ahead in the valley. God was calling her higher to a place that didn’t accept the attacks that came against her as a believer. When there was nothing else to do she had to stand not because she had the strength but, hidden in Christ, she could do all things. Jesus paid the price and she needed to taste and see that the Lord was good and will move mountains.

Marc’s Story

Marc was born in the United Kingdom. At the church he attended as a youth he was never told he needed to be born again. In fact that message was never taught at all, to his knowledge anywhere in the United Kingdom. Marc was told as a child a number of things. First, he was told, as long as he did nothing bad he would go to heaven. Secondly, that God tests us and we do not pray to God unless it’s an absolute emergency. Marc believed the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit existed, he just didn’t know he could ask them for help or have a relationship with them.

In Marc’s teens he began to experience depression and turned to astrology. Astrology to him wasn’t related to black cats or witches so he thought it was harmless. This led to eventual psychic readings and a psychic reader for a wife. He thought the marriage would be a permanent solution to never being depressed. He was told his aura would be fixed and his life would improve. Sadly, he never made the connection that psychic readings were wrong and demonic.

The marriage continued to reveal many things including a spouse that spoke to familiar spirits in her sleep.This marriage to his now former wife lead to more depression and drinking. The drinking lead to moments of unconsciousness, not caring to wake up to more of the same. From here, Marc through divine encounter and hunger for more, found Jesus at a church in the states. He refused to have any other answer for his life but God’s answer for him, which was yes and amen. Now a new creation in Christ he becomes the new man.

Marc and Catrice are now married and walking out their salvation led by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of the Lord is upon them to set the captives free through the Great Commission of Christ. Catrice and Marc believe that all who hunger and thirst for righteousness shall be filled in Jesus’ name.