Looking at the End Times (Part 1) (202) – July 15 2023

Looking at the End Times (Part 1) (202) – July 15 2023

As a believer in Christ are you experiencing confusion, frustration, chaos, fear, anxiety and more in places and people that are suppose to represent good? Are they calling good bad and bad good? Learn to know the truth and the truth will set you free. Pastor Catrice is led by the Holy Spirit to teach on this topic this week.

Ephesians 6, The Armor of God (Part 1) (199) – June 24 2023

Ephesians 6, The Armor of God (Part 1) (199) – June 24 2023

The first in this series on Ephesians 6, we look at the verses leading up to the instructions of the Apostle Paul to put on the Armor of God in order that we are able to stand up against all the strategies and deceits of the devil. The precursor to putting on the Armor of God is how we treat others. We begin to talk about drawing strength from the Lord and the action words of these scriptures. That His strength is not automatic. We have to actively draw on it. We should be conscious of the importance of building and strengthening the union we have with Christ, or begin one if one doesn’t exist already.

Be Aware of Distractions that Pull You From Christ (198) – June 17 2023

Be Aware of Distractions that Pull You From Christ (198) – June 17 2023

We all want to be on the best path in life. The Word of God, Jesus Himself, is The Way, The Truth and The Life. Without Him we can do nothing. Without Him we cannot be on the best path. The devil therefore lures us to more familiar activities and distractions. We get to choose what we should watch, listen to, and who to be around. Our soul is being affected in a positive or negative way, moment by moment every day.

God’s Law for the Lost and for the Rescued (197) – June 10 2023

God’s Law for the Lost and for the Rescued (197) – June 10 2023

Romans 3:20 (AMPC) states that [the real function of] the Law is to make men recognize and be conscious of sin [not mere perception, but an acquaintance with sin which works toward repentance, faith, and holy character].

For the born-again believer in Christ, Romans 6:14 shows they are no longer under the Law as slaves, but under grace as subjects of God’s favor and mercy. Still, the believer day by day should be in the process of reading and obeying the Word of God which is renewing their mind, thereby transforming them from being carnal into thinking and acting in accordance with the mind of Christ.

We Have Overcome the Devil by the Blood of Christ Jesus and the Utterance of Our Testimony (196) – June 3 2023

We Have Overcome the Devil by the Blood of Christ Jesus and the Utterance of Our Testimony (196) – June 3 2023

The Christian has overcome Satan and all demonic powers by the Blood of Jesus and the speaking of God’s Testimony of His Son. This is because the testimony being referenced in 1 John 5:9-12 is the Testimony of God. Nevertheless, we should still give our personal testimony to others as well.

Follow His Cloud by Day, Fire by Night (195) – May 27 2023

Follow His Cloud by Day, Fire by Night (195) – May 27 2023

The Lord endeavors to lead His creation away from evil and captivity and into a better place in relationship with Him. Out of the Kingdom of Darkness and into the Kingdom of His Beloved Son, Jesus (Colossians 1:13).

He led His chosen children of Israel in the pillar of cloud and fire day and night. His Spirit led His Only Begotten Son into the wilderness to be tried and tested by the devil for forty days and nights. His Spirit led the men to capture the Word of God for us to absorb and obey down the centuries and to this day. His goodness leads us to repentance.

However we all have a free will to choose. Are we obediently following His cloud by day and fire by night or are we on our own path that seems right to us that is away and distant to God, void of a relationship and salvation?

What about the day to day leading of the Holy Spirit? Are we sensitive to the things of the Spirit? Are we following His cloud and fire?