Your Identity is in Christ, Not the Old Covenant – Your Identity In Christ (138) – April 23 2022

Your Identity is in Christ, Not the Old Covenant – Your Identity In Christ (138) – April 23 2022

Do you find yourself comparing yourself to a person spoken of the Old Covenant/Testament, or are you fully aware of your identity in Christ that He bought with His blood of the New Covenant? While there are still important principles for us to learn from in the Old Testament, profound blessings such as the ability for a soul to decide to receive Christ Jesus within their own temple, by way of the new birth, must be understood. All comprehension of the Word of God must therefore be seen through the lens of the Cross.

Jesus – A Ransom For Many (Easter Message) – Your Identity In Christ (137) – April 16 2022

Jesus – A Ransom For Many (Easter Message) – Your Identity In Christ (137) – April 16 2022

This Easter program we celebrate the tremendous sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, who became the Ransom for Many according to Matthew 20:28 (AMPC), so that the world might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him (John 3:17, AMPC).

Have You Mastered Sin or is it Still Mastering You? (Pt. 2) – Your Identity In Christ (134) – March 26 2022

Have You Mastered Sin or is it Still Mastering You? (Pt. 2) – Your Identity In Christ (134) – March 26 2022

Continuing this week with part 2 of the series on sin and how to break free of the vicious circle. We teach how it is possible to actually experience freedom of sin, now that we as believers have been set free of the powers of darkness by the finished works of Christ at the Cross.

Have You Mastered Sin or is it Still Mastering You? (Pt. 1) – Your Identity In Christ (133) – March 19 2022

Have You Mastered Sin or is it Still Mastering You? (Pt. 1) – Your Identity In Christ (133) – March 19 2022

According to Romans chapter 8 verse 2 (AMPC), the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has freed the believer from the law of sin and of death. Jesus has set the believer free from the bondage of sin and the wages of it, being a spiritual death. Do you KNOW this promise of God, or is your conscience condemning you, continually keeping you in a prison of belief that you will never be able to get free of this entrapment?

For Freedom Christ has Set us Free – Your Identity In Christ (111) – October 16 2021

For Freedom Christ has Set us Free – Your Identity In Christ (111) – October 16 2021

In this week’s program on your Identity in Christ, we teach on Galatians chapter 5, verse 1 (ESV): — For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. How precious was, and is the blood of Christ, the perfect sacrifice for us, the undeserving human…

God Cannot Help but to Pour Out!

[spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] God cannot help but to pour out! But our free will and unbelief prevents Him most of the time. In the Bible we see that Jesus didn’t even know the woman with the issue of blood had touched him and received her healing: NAS Bible. Luke 8:43-48 [43]And a…