Off With The Chains! Master That Sin (Part 2) (238) – March 23 2024

Off With The Chains! Master That Sin (Part 2) (238) – March 23 2024

Continuing this week with part 2 of the series on sin and how to break free of the vicious circle. We teach how it is possible to actually experience freedom of sin, now that we as believers have been set free of the powers of darkness by the finished works of Christ at the Cross. As the believer is well aware, giving your life to Christ Jesus does not automatically make you immune to the desire to take action when met with a temptation. However, the Good News is that there IS a way out: The Word of God itself, and the will of the believer to take advantage of it.
Off With The Chains! Master That Sin (Part 1) (237) – March 16 2024

Off With The Chains! Master That Sin (Part 1) (237) – March 16 2024

According to Romans chapter 8 verse 2 (AMPC), the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has freed the believer from the law of sin and of death. Jesus has set the believer free from the bondage of sin and the wages of it, being a spiritual death. Do you KNOW this promise of God, or is your conscience condemning you, continually keeping you in a prison of belief that you will never be able to get free of this entrapment?
God’s Law for the Lost and for the Rescued (197) – June 10 2023

God’s Law for the Lost and for the Rescued (197) – June 10 2023

Romans 3:20 (AMPC) states that [the real function of] the Law is to make men recognize and be conscious of sin [not mere perception, but an acquaintance with sin which works toward repentance, faith, and holy character]. For the born-again believer in Christ, Romans 6:14 shows they are no longer under the Law as slaves, but under grace as subjects of God’s favor and mercy. Still, the believer day by day should be in the process of reading and obeying the Word of God which is renewing their mind, thereby transforming them from being carnal into thinking and acting in accordance with the mind of Christ.