Your New ID Is Enclosed Pt.4 – Your Identity In Christ (64) – November 21 2020


We encourage and pray for those who are anxious and in worry at this time, bringing them hope by the Word of God. Psalm 91 assures us no foe can withstand the place where we dwell in the shadow of the Almighty. Those foes include all forms of evil, including sickness and disease. However, Psalm 91:1 starts out by saying “He who dwells”. This means that the benefits of the entire chapter do not apply to those who decide not to dwell and focus on the Lord. We all have a choice every day: Who shall we serve today? Jesus or the devil? This is of course reminiscent of the same choice Eve had at the tree in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3).

In the second part of the program, we continue the mini-series, ‘Your New ID Is Enclosed (Part 4)’. We speak from Romans chapter 6 where we read the Apostle Paul is telling the believers in Rome not to be ignorant of the fact that all who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death, and what this now means.

This program covers the following Scriptures from the Amplified Classic version (AMPC):  Psalm 91:1; Psalm 91:10; Isaiah 26:3; Romans 6:1-4.