We Have Overcome the Devil by the Blood of Christ Jesus and the Utterance of Our Testimony (196) – June 3 2023

We Have Overcome the Devil by the Blood of Christ Jesus and the Utterance of Our Testimony (196) – June 3 2023

The Christian has overcome Satan and all demonic powers by the Blood of Jesus and the speaking of God’s Testimony of His Son. This is because the testimony being referenced in 1 John 5:9-12 is the Testimony of God. Nevertheless, we should still give our personal testimony to others as well.

Follow His Cloud by Day, Fire by Night (195) – May 27 2023

Follow His Cloud by Day, Fire by Night (195) – May 27 2023

The Lord endeavors to lead His creation away from evil and captivity and into a better place in relationship with Him. Out of the Kingdom of Darkness and into the Kingdom of His Beloved Son, Jesus (Colossians 1:13).

He led His chosen children of Israel in the pillar of cloud and fire day and night. His Spirit led His Only Begotten Son into the wilderness to be tried and tested by the devil for forty days and nights. His Spirit led the men to capture the Word of God for us to absorb and obey down the centuries and to this day. His goodness leads us to repentance.

However we all have a free will to choose. Are we obediently following His cloud by day and fire by night or are we on our own path that seems right to us that is away and distant to God, void of a relationship and salvation?

What about the day to day leading of the Holy Spirit? Are we sensitive to the things of the Spirit? Are we following His cloud and fire?

Having a Relationship with God or just Existing with Him? (191) – April 29 2023

Having a Relationship with God or just Existing with Him? (191) – April 29 2023

Speaker Pastor Catrice and her testimonial and experience of getting to know God, again and again. How you see God can affect how you see God. Never give up your pursuit of getting to know God and forming and deepening your relationship with Him. Once you have breakthrough you will never go back.

Extinguishing Doubt and Unbelief Allows Your Faith to Move Mountains (Part 2) (185) – March 18 2023

Extinguishing Doubt and Unbelief Allows Your Faith to Move Mountains (Part 2) (185) – March 18 2023

We continue on this topic of Faith, building a foundation of understanding. Your Faith, your trusting in someone is more effective once you get to know their character and nature. When we come to know the Lord more, and we see His heart for His creation, we can be more effective ministers of the Gospel. That is because our faith, our trust will contain no doubt, unbelief or fear when we are believing for something.

Extinguishing Doubt and Unbelief Allows Your Faith to Move Mountains (184) – March 11 2023

Extinguishing Doubt and Unbelief Allows Your Faith to Move Mountains (184) – March 11 2023

It’s a lot easier to trust in someone once you get to know them. Trusting in the Lord allows our Faith to be used more effectively, simply because once you know the Lord’s nature and character, you realize there is no reason to doubt what He has promised us. When doubt, unbelief and fear have all been removed, all that is left is pure Faith. That’s when the mountains you’re speaking to begin to move!

Not Accepting Jesus as Your Lord is Rejecting Him (182) – February 25 2023

Not Accepting Jesus as Your Lord is Rejecting Him (182) – February 25 2023

The Lord loves you, whether you love him or reject him. He doesn’t favor one person over another since scripture says he’s no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). There are ramifications in our daily lives, and ultimately our destiny, however, depending on whether we receive and confess Jesus as our Lord or keep on rejecting Him.